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Dr. Stephanie photo
Professional Bio

Stephanie is a Certified Sex Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Professional, and Board Certified Relationship, Intimacy, & Sex Education Coach. She holds her Masters in Clinical Mental Health and specializes in Alternative Relationships and is currently in her Ph.D. program as a Sexologist, graduating in 2022. Ms. Sigler owns her own Mental Health Practice. Ms. Sigler is a prior college professor and is the owner of Beautiful Beginnings Counseling Center, Co-Owner of Evolve Your Intimacy Guidance Center, Stephanie and Fox LLC & The Kinky Koach LLC.

Specialties: Adult Industry & Sex Workers, Alternative Relationships, Infidelity Recovery, Non Monogamy, Sexual Assault,
Sex Education, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Depression, Fetishes, Trauma, LGBTQ+, and Kink


Licensing & Certs: SEC#2019-1, NCC#744231, TX#78907, FL#TPMC1434

I am a first-generation college graduate who was raised in an unhealthy house with an abusive stepfather. I am the only girl out of 5 brothers and was once told that I would make more money on my back than by using my brain. By the age of 10 I had experienced a lifetime of trauma and abuse which set the path for my future of helping others. When I tell people about my past, many think I am a pathological liar because they can’t fathom the amount of trauma I have experienced in my lifetime. Unfortunately, it is all true and the only way I can make sense of my trauma-filled past is to help others during their time of distress. ​ I didn’t have much guidance growing up, but I knew I wanted to be more than what I was being raised to be.

Stephanie is a Certified Sex Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Professional, and Board Certified Relationship, Intimacy, & Sex Education Coach. She holds her Masters in Clinical Mental Health and specializes in Alternative Relationships and is currently in her Ph.D. program as a Sexologist, graduating in 2022. Ms. Sigler owns her own Mental Health Practice. Ms. Sigler is a prior college professor and is the owner of Beautiful Beginnings Counseling Center, Co-Owner of Evolve Your Intimacy Guidance Center, Stephanie and Fox LLC & The Kinky Koach LLC.

Specialties: Adult Industry & Sex Workers, Alternative Relationships, Infidelity Recovery, Non Monogamy, Sexual Assault,
Sex Education, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Depression, Fetishes, Trauma, LGBTQ+, and Kink


Licensing & Certs: SEC#2019-1, NCC#744231, TX#78907, FL#TPMC1434

Amongst many things, I became addicted to education and will earn my doctorate degree soon; however, I will never end my educational career. I am a firm believer that once you think you know everything then you should just hang up your hat because you have nothing left to contribute to the world.

My troubled childhood provided me with an unrealistic view of relationships, and I found myself with many unhealthy men throughout the years who used me for all that I had to offer. These relationships left me deflated, uncertain, and jaded. I am a workaholic, I tend to feel I will never be good enough, and I struggle with my self-esteem daily. I am a flawed human who is trying to do the best I can with the tools I was provided by imperfect role models growing up.

Meeting Fox and allowing him to love me the way I deserved to be loved and not the way I felt I needed to be loved has been life-changing. He has taught me that I am worthy, I am beautiful, and I am enough. Little did I know that the man I was just trying to hook up with so I could distract myself from the pain I was feeling due to my recent divorce would be the man that completely changed my future. I have never known unconditional love and acceptance until Fox and I never want to let that go. My future has never felt so promising.

Why do I tell you all this intimate and detailed information? Because you need to know I'm just another person who has been through some things just like you. I jumped into mental health because of my past and for my future. If you read this and it resonates with you, please reach out to me, I can help. Our consultations are free and private. 

Contact Details

Phone: (254) 432-5521 

Fax: (432) 272-6227

Address: 100 W Central Texas Expressway, Suite 208, Harker Heights, TX 76548

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